Duplication, Chokmah, 2
Linguistical Word Transmitter
Typical Children 16
- (Subject)Fortune Jvpiter Context Buckets/Nestings... (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune (Path)Fool Kindness Connectivity (Attribute)Magus 2008
- (Attribute)Magus Mercvry (((main-images))) (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune (Path)Fool (Sphere)Unity Adaptability 2008
- (Path)Fool [air] Universe Priestess (Path)Fool (Subject)Fortune (Type)Wisdom (Sphere)Unity (Type)Wisdom (Attribute)Magus 2008
- (Type)Wisdom Neptvne PROTOTYPE PROTOTYPE Duplication, Chokmah, 2 Linguistical Word Transmitter... cogito ergo sum the boundaries that i can *sense* are my controllable boundaries i am, because i can cognize my own existence the ego becomes necessary once more, at the level of interacting with people when you canno... it's my birthday what the fuck do i care about that? so fucking drunk so split-knuckled fucking dumb drunk knuckles against wood let me in i'm alone on the cold concrete of my expensive apartment yet not alone yet... (Sphere)Unity (Subject)Fortune (Type)Wisdom (Sphere)Unity (Attribute)Magus 2007
- (Sphere)Unity Plvto (DimensionPrototype), Kether, 1 Hadit Particle / Singularity... (Attribute)Magus (Sphere)Unity (Subject)Fortune (Type)Wisdom (Attribute)Magus 2007
- Panoramic (Type)Wisdom 2002
- Music Genre Music Listening & Collecting Tone, Response, Vibe Interests hypnotic, ominous, broken, symphonic, discordant, dynamic, evocative, progressive, lyrical, bombastic, dissonant, challenging, throbbing, aggressive, twisted, staggered, wobbly, foreboding, abstract, conceptual, uplifting, intelligent, demented, warm, cold, dystopian, utopian, minimal, maxima... Dubstep (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune Kindness Culture 1999
- Screenshot (Type)Wisdom 1999
- Photograph (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune Kindness 1998
- Video More info... X-Men III Release (Subject)Fortune (Type)Wisdom Kindness 1998
- Location (attribute) and Residences ((latitude), (longitude))... (Type)Wisdom (Attribute)Magus (Subject)Fortune Physicality (Subject)Fortune 1998
- Bioform Zoootype (Subject)Fortune (Type)Wisdom Physicality (Subject)Fortune (Attribute)Magus 1996
- Journal Entry suburban house party w/l, left w/j to go in to a city bcs he wanted more dancing, went into a mall with a store with glass cases full of metal snake pieces, police are there, they ask where i am coming from, i said i moved he... honing the netweb glue trap find thee others where be u... (Type)Wisdom 1995
- Gatherings Parties, Shows Culture Friends Physicality (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune (Subject)Fortune 1994
- Diagram (Type)Wisdom 1990
- Travel (Type)Wisdom (Subject)Fortune Physicality Culture (Subject)Fortune 1984
Subject Children 12
- IPShOSh Journal Entry Language (Type)Wisdom 2014
- Basilisk of Light + p.VI if you stay naive you can remain innocent of everything. "the exposure of innocence is a lie" the joy you share with others is also my joy. give me all your attempts to make me sorry. to addict me to sorrow. it is fun to wander into the clouds but carelessness attracts malignant forces and to stay high you walk on our... (Type)Wisdom Friends Journal Entry 2011
- Masters, Mankind, Metamorphosis i do love you: the precious few who still support me in the dark hours* of my Metamorphosis. when my skin is tender with the remnants of broken sentiments and i strike-out** at thy delicate touch. i realize this process hurts us both. also do i love all of Mankind and its putrid over-emphasis on mundaneness***, for... (Type)Wisdom Thought Friends Journal Entry 2011
- Trinitempli O3O experimentation = invocation = divination alchemy = goetia = qabalah SCIENCE = RELIGION = PHILOSOPHY dualism = monism = nihilism 2 = 1 = 0 wisdom = understanding = knowledge 3 = 8 = 1 trances/paths: mechanica/fortune = joy/sorrow = self/less 0 = 3 = 2 Mercury = Sulphur = Salt ... (Type)Wisdom Cosmology Journal Entry 2011
- Depths funny how we think we can see so much of our world with the naked eye - not so! i've come to this approach to life: be excited for death yet focused on life... death in this shell to me seems like the beginning of high adventure... yeah, but you need an ultra elite electron microscope to get those badass shots normal one... (Type)Wisdom Journal Entry 2010
- Statuz trys to unwind culture by passively offering foreign objects up for inspection /// has become the fool on the hill... (Type)Wisdom Journal Entry 2010
- Cogito Ergo Sum cogito ergo sum the boundaries that i can *sense* are my controllable boundaries i am, because i can cognize my own existence the ego becomes necessary once more, at the level of interacting with people when you cannot cognize that you are them. I FEEL the boundary, even though it doesn't OBJECTIVELY exist... the o... (Type)Wisdom Friends Journal Entry 2010
- All is Arbitrary, Temporary Illusion / All is Light unless one is attempting to de-power some aspect that has been talking too loudly: calling anything illusion is meaningless, as all is thus. all current illusion is the will of the all. a possibly useful filter: is something based on rejection? That is the darkness (from voyager perspective/plane of duality). Though A... (Type)Wisdom Yoga Emotion Journal Entry 2009
- ghostbeetlebloodwater it's my birthday what the fuck do i care about that? so fucking drunk so split-knuckled fucking dumb drunk knuckles against wood let me in i'm alone on the cold concrete of my expensive apartment yet not alone yet so not fucking alone so alone crusting blood trickles knuckles now i want more where did i lea... Hallucination Emotion Friends (Type)Wisdom Journal Entry 2008
- Birthgasm embodying pure emanations of nature biting the white hot blade of love illuminating exit holes in the death-cycle for every action not-taken there exists a concrescing birth-orgasm my mind rejects your dogma like viral-infection the drama is nice but what about that climax? (there's no such thing as too much lubricati... Hallucination Friends Culture (Type)Wisdom Journal Entry 2008
- Numinosity I am within you, and of you. At any slice in time of my existence any number of hyperdimensional situations are taking place, conducted by "the Collective Unconscious", socalled which could mean that the gateway to hyperlight communication must also exist, if one were to be so inclined as to invoke thine brothers and sist... (Type)Wisdom Harmony Yoga Emotion Cosmology Journal Entry 2008
- 1/2=2=0 I've come the closest ever to actually posting in the SPAZList. The reason is thus: nobody has said anything all that intelligent or even made a note about Novelty when discussing 2012 as a date, it has slightly irritated me... Regardless of any Mayan correspondence, 2012 is nothing short of thus: th... 83 McAllister St. #112 Yoga Hallucination Infrastructure Feline (Type)Wisdom Anatomy Cosmology 2007