Dream Logs, Unconscious Journeys
Subject Children 22
- Metatron burns... Metatron burns in your heart my dear The lady and man in one... Journal Entry Dream 2017
- Big tropical space hotel condo tropical parents owned but gone setting up a party there jetskiing in foamy charred ocean waves, closing jetski plugs, beachouse, man talking about making a job out of teaching jetski classes restaurant with fancy bathrooms. big open area, box w/evil sorceress queen, torturing half the ppl in box with golden... Journal Entry Dream Plantae 2013
- Dreamhaus Dream Screenshot Friends Journal Entry 2013
- new luna in Virgo 1: cicadas coming out of the ground slowly, then faster, surrounding and wanting to lay near some other animal friend i had, they began to swarm and i had to run inside to avoid the buzzing cloud. 2: professional waterslide rider. love triangle of deception and betrayal. 3: dirtbike offroad escape, pulled over and tickete... Journal Entry Dream 2011
- luna in Taurus inside noah's restaurant, it's more like a spa, i met a goth-punk girl who is expressive about being a lesbian. we seemed interested in eachother despite her adamence about only liking girls. i go to take a shower in this restaurant-spa, the ppl i'm with don't seem to notice me undressing lots of crazy different kinds of cl... Journal Entry Dream 2011
- luna full in aquarius/pisces cusp big slinky reptilian felines in a huge cage in a house... one of them escapes and is making the normal house cats very panicky. nobody [family] in the house believes that there is anything wrong///... Journal Entry Dream 2011
- luna in Capricorn suburban house party w/l, left w/j to go in to a city bcs he wanted more dancing, went into a mall with a store with glass cases full of metal snake pieces, police are there, they ask where i am coming from, i said i moved here from iowa recently, they said this is the guy, they stuck me with a long poison metal rod and the... Journal Entry Dream 2011
- Vivid Dream This dream wasn't like the others It was a dark warehouse like the others But darker Too dark We enter groundfloor There was a group (5) that split Then just two of us (Liz) We are in a strange room with what appears to be a shaft with large pipes running through it that leads sort of both up and out. The monsters d... Dream Friends Journal Entry 2011
- Portal to $$$ Running through mansion evading a group of young adults with guns. Find a bathroom to hide in. Ceiling of bathroom turns into a portal. Portal leads to large underground crawlspace with large sacks of money. ... Journal Entry Dream 2009
- Un consciousss last night: car was stolen, miranda was there trying to help two nights ago: teleporting snakes in the back of a van, yuri driving... Dream Journal Entry 2009
- Plunge moving through an aqua channel [not really a river - maybe 30ft across]. come upon an edge ending at an immense waterfall [maybe 10-15 second freefall to the bottom]. group of us are there with some sort of instructor. lizzy is there, speaking about the jump-to-come and the backpak with our already-thrashed food. m... Dream Friends Journal Entry 2009
- Forest Witch House adventuring through a forest with some kids come across this young girl who takes us down a path to come to this closedup house, like all squashed together she had been sleeping in a little section where the house meets the ground and there was a sleeping bag there like a cocoon we somehow hit some button that caus... Journal Entry Dream 2009
- LAYLA grateful for the dreams last night floating across the open desert jumping flipping spinning if i wish i need not come down accepted there weaving patterns with others my mother watches from the sidelines composites of friends, friends to come, families to come. she seems to mock me but i feel her ... Dream Journal Entry Friends 2009
- Large Dolphinskin Creature i had this dream where i was this creature. there was a girl and boy there, they were a couple. i asked them if they felt nothing for me. they acted ashamed to say yes. another creature like me appears. though i know it is a strong opponent i have no fear nor do i believe there is any possibility but victory. i c... Journal Entry Dream Friends Bioform 2009
- Trapt ...just had a dream in which i became pretty much fully conscious towards the end of. i could not break out of it, trapped in the subconscious... in the dream i had woken up in my bed (how cinematique) and there were people in my house taking all my stuff away, cleaning and painting over all the items i had placed ... Journal Entry Dream 2009
- Thoth i dreamt about you you were dragging me through middle america on a jet ski the farm lands were flooded a large fish jumped out of the water as if to bite off your head but its nose only brushed the top of your hair as we sped by, at this moment time slowed way down (i feel like you were a man earlier in the dream and h... Dream Friends Journal Entry 2008
- Skeleton City War Photos I dreamt I was a paratrooper-type soldier in a war. I kept thinking it was WWII, but then it seemed like it was post-modern-apocalyptic... At any rate, we were in an abandoned city, hiding the helicopter in the metal skeleton of a tall building. We did not contact anyone outside the chopper for the length of the dream. T... Journal Entry Dream Friends 2008
- Thine Angel Would you say to thine angel How can I best serve mankind? ? Or perhaps you wish to dance in the fields and build narrartives of enchanted contextual situatia in order to perpetuate The Great Mystery? Can these coincide? I believe so. And belief is all I have. I'd like to do this by creating and showing physical representat... Journal Entry Dream 2008
- Whale Song I had a dream that I was asking a researcher about audio recordings of whales in an office styled room. The researcher told me they had a large tank in the back that could hold a whale for listening purposes. We went out to the tank to see a large sail boat pulling in from a channel connecting it to the (natural) bay nearby... Dream Journal Entry 2008
- Snake Flute I dreamt I bought a large archaic-looking recorder from someone that was dumpster diving for $5. I then brought it over to an old lot where a building used to be to show it to some people I knew. Upon playing it a black snake appeared out of the ground, then a green snake, then many many green snakes and one of them was clo... Journal Entry Dream Bioform 2007
- Get Out My Mind I dreamed someone was attacking me over and over with a knife, while dodging the knife stabs the attacker would be biting me to an excessively painful level, I wonder if I was crying out in my sleep, it was that intense. I found this more interesting when I woke up and realized my brother had just had his ACL replace... Journal Entry Dream Cosmology Anatomy 2007
- Dreamtime I dreamed that people browsing Google Maps satellite imagery located some sort of gigantic self-portrait of George W. Bush made out of raised sections of grass out on his ranch somewhere, G.W. visible from space. Then there was some kind of TV show playing and Al Gore was on it saying that this prove... Journal Entry Dream 2005